Tippecanoe School Corporation


At James Cole Elementary School, the teachers follow the Indiana Academic Standards as a guide for their instruction. A typical day is broken up between a 90 minute reading block, 45-60 minutes of mathematics, 45-60 minutes of writing, as well as lunch, recess, and a daily 30 minute special (art, music, physical education, technology and library). At James Cole Elementary School, Lucy Calkins provides the framework for our writing. Mathematics is provided through the Ready Math curriculum. We use a variety of ways to teach reading including leveled books and Accelerated Reading. Each grade level has a STEM focus each quarter. Our K-2 grades are provided with 10 laptops for their classroom use. Our 3rd-5th grade students all have Chromebooks that stay at school (in sixth grade students are assigned their own Chromebook that travels everywhere including home with them).

Our school also has a beautiful three-acre Outdoor Education Center on its grounds. This center has a one-acre pond, a one-acre wetland, a walking trail, bat house, amphiteater style seating, and a shelter for classroom use. The wetlands have two docks that allow our students to get up close and person with their learning. Each grade level finds ways to utilize this space to enhance their instruction.

James Cole Elementary School is entrenched in the C.L.A.S.S. (Connected Learning Assures Successful Students) philosophy. We focus on a weekly Life Skill (Truth, Trust, Integrity, Respect, etc.) that can be found on this website. We also offer a variety of brain compatible learning opportunities that go along with this philosophy. Each nine weeks students are recognized for their use of a Life Skill through a school-wide assembly. An important part of this nine-weeks assembly is the practice of the Cole Handshake. This involves standing straight, offering your hand, looking the person in the eye, firmly shaking, and then saying, "Thank You" when offered your reward. At Cole Elementary, an important part of our mission statement that accompanies academics is the 'Grow Kinds Citizens'. C.L.A.S.S. helps us do just that.

At James Cole Elementary School, we work very hard to provide an experience for our students that is both engaging and child-focused. Providing a quality curriculum with many hands-on and interactive learning opportunities is part of our daily academic journey.